Monday, April 4, 2011

Baby Update - Week 24

Today, I am officially 24 weeks (plus two days) pregnant! Here's what's been going on over the past week...

Week 24 Highlights
Mom had a birthday! I celebrated turning 26 by going out for lunch and working on Baby's registry at Babies 'R Us. Joe brought me tulips and took me out for a nice dinner at the Indian Oven!

We celebrated cousin Nathan's birthday at Skate Zone. A little girl I didn't know came up and patted my belly - "You got a baby in there?"

This week in development
Baby is the size of an ear of corn

He's gaining weight at a rate of about six ounces per week

If we could see Baby's face now, we'd get a pretty good idea of what he's going to look like!

Within the lungs, branches of the respiratory tree are developing as well as cells that will produce surfactant

How's Mom doing?
Great! I had such a nice birthday, and it was fun celebrating Nathan's this weekend! I'm still feeling well, and I have really enjoyed feeling Baby's hiccups this week (I actually got to feel it for the first time on my birthday).

How's Dad doing?
He's napping next to me on the couch right now, so I think the answer is TIRED. He has been working so hard on the basement this week with minimal help from me (although I do try to offer lots of support and encouragement). He's finished painting and, after lots of cleaning, we're back to spending time downstairs. Our big project yesterday was installing laminate floor in the new office/guest room.

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