Today, I am officially 25 weeks (plus one day) pregnant! Here's what's been going on over the past week...
Week 25 Highlights
I've started working on a project that I'll be doing during my residency. Doing this work now is going to allow me to take six weeks of maternity leave when Baby comes!
Even though I'm on vacation this month, I've also been attending some lectures in the mornings.
My Dad (Grandpa Williams) came to visit. He and Joe went golfing and then we all went out to one of my favorite pizza places!
Joe traveled to Des Moines with his brother to celebrate a friend's birthday - more golf and a little basketball too!
This week in development
Baby weighs as much as a rutabaga, more than 1 1/2 pounds
Baby has been putting on some more baby fat this week - his skin is getting a little less wrinkly
His hair is no longer white - if we could see it now, we'd be able to tell what color it's going to be!
Baby's nostrils are starting to open up - pretty soon he'll be able to practice breathing through his nose (although he'll be "breathing" amniotic fluid instead of air)
How's Mom doing?
Still pretty good! This week, I've been having more difficulties with sleep, but Baby's a little bit to blame for that - he has been a kicking machine! We can actually see him moving around in my belly now, which is a little freaky, I have to admit. :) Something else that's new... I can hear Baby's little heartbeat with my own stethoscope now!
How's Dad doing?
"Good." The theme for this week: Let the golfing begin! Joe golfed 36 holes this weekend, and he did pretty well (he got a 103 on 18 holes yesterday and a 52 on 9 holes today)! He's about done with the work in the basement, too (he hung a door, and now he's just finishing up with the trim in the basement office).
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