Monday, April 18, 2011

Baby Update - Week 26

Today, I am officially 26 weeks (plus two days) pregnant! Here's what's been going on over the past week...

Week 26 Highlights
Grandpa Mike and Grandma Judy came back to Nebraska after spending the winter in Florida - they got Baby this cool outfit!

Mom had a doctor's appointment - I failed my initial screening test for gestational diabetes, so I have another test at the hospital tomorrow morning. Wish me luck, I won't be able to eat anything for the next fifteen hours! Baby's estimated weight was 2 pounds 2 ounces on Friday (that's the 70th percentile)!

We had a great time at the Nebraska Spring game on Saturday, even though it was a little chilly and Mom's nose  got sunburnt... Go Huskers!

Cousin Pete had a soccer game, and he scored his first real goal :)

This week in development
Baby is as tall as an English hothouse cucumber

His eyes are beginning to open after being closed for the past few months

Hearing is getting better, and Baby is able to hear voices other than Mom's (like Dad's!)

As Baby's brain matures, he not only hears noises but is able to respond to them (with an increase in activity or heart rate)

Oh yeah, and his testicles are beginning to descend ("Mom, how embarrassing!!!")

How's Mom doing?
I was a little surprised to find out that I did not pass my initial glucose challenge on Friday, but I'm hoping for good news after tomorrow's test. Sleep continues to be a problem (any suggestions?). Otherwise, it's been a good week - we finished the office and we're officially ready to start working on the nursery! I can't wait to post pictures...

How's Dad doing?
"Good." Dad's been working in the yard and trying to grow grass with some help from rain, rain, and more rain! Both he and Mom are happy to have his parents back in Nebraska. Their return means that summer's almost here (and if summer's almost here, we're getting closer to meeting Baby)!

1 comment:

  1. My wife asks in regards to your sleep troubles if you have a "body pillow", she swears by it!
