Sunday, March 27, 2011

Baby Update - Week 23

Today, I am officially 23 weeks (plus one day) pregnant! Here's what's been going on over the past week...

Week 23 Highlights
The weather got colder and snowier! It was starting to look like spring, but it looks like we'll have to wait a little longer...

My last day of medical school EVER was Thursday - now I'm just waiting for graduation!

Dad, Baby, and I went to a banquet on Thursday night. It was a successful night for me because my dress didn't burst at the seams and I got to indulge in two pieces of delicious chocolate cake. The dress is going into hiatus until after our big baby boy is born!

We took Baby on vacation - my family met in Des Moines for a fun weekend of swimming, indoor golfing, and shopping to celebrate birthday season. :)

This week in development
Baby is the size of a large mango

He is starting to look reddish in color due to developing blood vessels underneath his skin

His skin will also be pretty wrinkly until more baby fat develops. But not to worry - some serious weight gain is about to take place. Baby is expected to double his weight over the next four weeks

He is getting better at sensing movement and can now feel me dance (or do the "Pretty Girl Rock")

Hearing keeps improving too, and loud sounds from the outside world (Macy's bark, the vacuum cleaner, etc.) are becoming more and more familiar to Baby

How's Mom doing?
I've been doing well and I'm happy to say that I still have plenty of energy. :) Right now, I'm trying to relax and enjoy my time off (residency is set to begin on July 1st with orientation starting in mid-June). Baby has been keeping things interesting by kicking harder! It's fun being able to tell how he's positioned in my belly by the location of his kicks.

How's Dad doing?
"Good." :) Dad got to feel Baby kick this week too - for the first time! He says we're going to have quite a little boxer on our hands! The laundry room is painted, and it looks great. For fun, Dad got to practice his golf swing this weekend at an indoor golf center. He also got pretty good at racing Rob on the water slides at our hotel. Boys...

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