Monday, April 25, 2011

Baby Update - Week 27

Today, I am officially 27 weeks (plus two days) pregnant! Here's what's been going on over the past week...

Week 27 Highlights
Mom had some lab work done at the hospital on Tuesday, a three-hour glucose tolerance test to check for gestational diabetes (because I failed my first test). This time, I passed! I lost four tubes of blood and three hours of my life, gained some colorful bruises on my arm, but I do NOT have diabetes.

Another appointment at the hospital on Wednesday... Joe and I went to see a maternal-fetal medicine specialist about an ultrasound finding in Baby's heart (an echogenic intracardiac focus). He reassured us that our little guy has normal heart structure and function. He also told us that we can be confident that Baby does not have Down Syndrome.

All four of us (Mom, Dad, Macy & Baby) headed up to Fremont to spend time with Joe's family and work on the new dock.

Sunday was EASTER - we went to the early mass, then headed to Lincoln for an Easter Egg Hunt at Uncle Aaron and Aunt Amber's followed by lunch and family time at my parents' house. It was a great day!

Cousin Pete (and his cousins, Daren & Dylan)

This week in development
Baby weighs as much as a head of cauliflower (actually more - his most recent weight estimate was 2 pounds 5 ounces)

He's sleeping and waking at more regular intervals now

Hiccups are happening more often!

How's Mom doing?
I am officially in nesting mode, look out! :) We have bought the paint for Baby's room (Behr, Sonata), and it's going on the walls tomorrow! Baby got an early baby shower gift from my parents, too - his crib! Can you tell that I'm excited? We've started to get some other great baby gifts (a cute whale bathtub with bath toys and puppets, some really great books to read to Baby), and our home is now turning into a baby zone.

P.S. Thanks, Phil & Catherine, for the advice - I am sleeping a little better with a body pillow now! :)

How's Dad doing?
"Fine." Dad worked hard on the new dock at his parents' cabin this week, but he's still found plenty of time to play. He played volleyball on Wednesday night, softball on Thursday night, and golf on Sunday.

Dad's volleyball team: Go Sandy Balls!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Baby Update - Week 26

Today, I am officially 26 weeks (plus two days) pregnant! Here's what's been going on over the past week...

Week 26 Highlights
Grandpa Mike and Grandma Judy came back to Nebraska after spending the winter in Florida - they got Baby this cool outfit!

Mom had a doctor's appointment - I failed my initial screening test for gestational diabetes, so I have another test at the hospital tomorrow morning. Wish me luck, I won't be able to eat anything for the next fifteen hours! Baby's estimated weight was 2 pounds 2 ounces on Friday (that's the 70th percentile)!

We had a great time at the Nebraska Spring game on Saturday, even though it was a little chilly and Mom's nose  got sunburnt... Go Huskers!

Cousin Pete had a soccer game, and he scored his first real goal :)

This week in development
Baby is as tall as an English hothouse cucumber

His eyes are beginning to open after being closed for the past few months

Hearing is getting better, and Baby is able to hear voices other than Mom's (like Dad's!)

As Baby's brain matures, he not only hears noises but is able to respond to them (with an increase in activity or heart rate)

Oh yeah, and his testicles are beginning to descend ("Mom, how embarrassing!!!")

How's Mom doing?
I was a little surprised to find out that I did not pass my initial glucose challenge on Friday, but I'm hoping for good news after tomorrow's test. Sleep continues to be a problem (any suggestions?). Otherwise, it's been a good week - we finished the office and we're officially ready to start working on the nursery! I can't wait to post pictures...

How's Dad doing?
"Good." Dad's been working in the yard and trying to grow grass with some help from rain, rain, and more rain! Both he and Mom are happy to have his parents back in Nebraska. Their return means that summer's almost here (and if summer's almost here, we're getting closer to meeting Baby)!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Video - Skate Zone Birthday Party

This is a video from cousin Nathan's birthday party last weekend. It features (in order of appearance) cousin Pete, Uncle Aaron, Joe (in the green shirt), and Uncle Pat.

Baby Update - Week 25

Today, I am officially 25 weeks (plus one day) pregnant! Here's what's been going on over the past week...

Week 25 Highlights
I've started working on a project that I'll be doing during my residency. Doing this work now is going to allow me to take six weeks of maternity leave when Baby comes!

Even though I'm on vacation this month, I've also been attending some lectures in the mornings.

My Dad (Grandpa Williams) came to visit. He and Joe went golfing and then we all went out to one of my favorite pizza places!

Joe traveled to Des Moines with his brother to celebrate a friend's birthday - more golf and a little basketball too!

This week in development
Baby weighs as much as a rutabaga, more than 1 1/2 pounds

Baby has been putting on some more baby fat this week - his skin is getting a little less wrinkly

His hair is no longer white - if we could see it now, we'd be able to tell what color it's going to be!

Baby's nostrils are starting to open up - pretty soon he'll be able to practice breathing through his nose (although he'll be "breathing" amniotic fluid instead of air)

How's Mom doing?
Still pretty good! This week, I've been having more difficulties with sleep, but Baby's a little bit to blame for that - he has been a kicking machine! We can actually see him moving around in my belly now, which is a little freaky, I have to admit. :) Something else that's new... I can hear Baby's little heartbeat with my own stethoscope now!

How's Dad doing?
"Good." The theme for this week: Let the golfing begin! Joe golfed 36 holes this weekend, and he did pretty well (he got a 103 on 18 holes yesterday and a 52 on 9 holes today)! He's about done with the work in the basement, too (he hung a door, and now he's just finishing up with the trim in the basement office).

Belly Pic - Week 25

I don't know if this picture really captures it, but I am definitely feeling a lot bigger these days!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Baby Update - Week 24

Today, I am officially 24 weeks (plus two days) pregnant! Here's what's been going on over the past week...

Week 24 Highlights
Mom had a birthday! I celebrated turning 26 by going out for lunch and working on Baby's registry at Babies 'R Us. Joe brought me tulips and took me out for a nice dinner at the Indian Oven!

We celebrated cousin Nathan's birthday at Skate Zone. A little girl I didn't know came up and patted my belly - "You got a baby in there?"

This week in development
Baby is the size of an ear of corn

He's gaining weight at a rate of about six ounces per week

If we could see Baby's face now, we'd get a pretty good idea of what he's going to look like!

Within the lungs, branches of the respiratory tree are developing as well as cells that will produce surfactant

How's Mom doing?
Great! I had such a nice birthday, and it was fun celebrating Nathan's this weekend! I'm still feeling well, and I have really enjoyed feeling Baby's hiccups this week (I actually got to feel it for the first time on my birthday).

How's Dad doing?
He's napping next to me on the couch right now, so I think the answer is TIRED. He has been working so hard on the basement this week with minimal help from me (although I do try to offer lots of support and encouragement). He's finished painting and, after lots of cleaning, we're back to spending time downstairs. Our big project yesterday was installing laminate floor in the new office/guest room.