Monday, May 30, 2011

Baby Update - Week 32

Today, I am officially 32 weeks (plus two days) pregnant! Here's what's been going on over the past week...

Week 32 Highlights
Grandma Judy and her sister (Great Aunt Emely) came to town on Wednesday, and we headed to an Amish furniture store called Yoder's in Greenwood - Grandma Judy bought Mom a rocking chair!

Macy approves, as long as her tail doesn't get smushed
On Thursday, Dad left for his annual Memorial Day weekend fishing trip, and Mom got some stuff done (residency paperwork and a haircut).

The McGill family got a little bigger! Garret Robert was born on May 27th!

The other big event on Friday was Mom's cousin Luke's wedding. His gorgeous bride's name is Sara, and she's starting vet school in the fall! It was a lot of fun. :)

Mom, Aunt Ashley, Aunt Carly, and Aunt Kelsey, before the wedding

The Hofer family

It was a beautiful outdoor wedding, and this was the altar

Mr. and Mrs. Hofer
Saturday was another big day, Kelsey's graduation from Lincoln High! Joe and I are so proud of her! She graduated from the IB program at the top of her class. On Sunday, Kelsey was featured in the Lincoln Journal Star.

Aunt Kelsey in her cap and gown

Aunt Kelsey, Mom, and the B.O.B.

Aunt Carly, Mom, Aunt Kelsey, and Aunt Ashley, after graduation
And today is Memorial Day, which means Dad is on his way home! Thank you to all of the men and women who have selflessly chosen to serve our country!

This week in development
Baby weighs as much as a jicama

He now has toenails and fingernails :)

His skin is turning more opaque (and less transparent) as he accumulates more fat and begins to look more like a newborn

Baby's digestive system is all set and ready to go - the countdown to dirty diapers begins!

How's Mom doing?
I'm tired! It was a long weekend, and even after a long nap this afternoon, I'm not sure I've recovered yet. I've also really missed Joe, and I'm so glad he's almost home (he just called, and he's about thirty minutes away).

How's Dad doing?
He had a great weekend fishing with his dad, brothers and some good friends in Miltona, Minnesota! And he caught his first northern pike! Here are some pictures:

Dad's Big Fish

Dad's Little Fish

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