Monday, May 9, 2011

Baby Update - Week 29

Today, I am officially 29 weeks (plus two days) pregnant! Here's what's been going on over the past week...

Week 29 Highlights
This week was graduation week! With some major help, we got our house and backyard ready for visitors (during the early part of the week).

On Wednesday night, Joe, Baby, and I drove out to Yutan for a bonfire where some of my classmates burned their short white coats (I didn't have the heart to burn mine, but it was fun to watch).

On Thursday night, we went to the senior formal at Harrah's Casino. "Awards" were presented, and I got "Nicest Human on the Planet." :)

Mom and Dad, lookin' snazzy

Friday was the hooding ceremony where I received my doctoral hood and took my physician's oath.

My family hung out with us Friday night - it was fun using our new and improved yard to host a barbecue and bonfire!

Saturday was graduation day, and I am now officially a doctor! It was so fun being pregnant for all of the festivities - I even got to carry Baby across the stage when I received my diploma (in my belly, of course).

The fam with my diploma, after the ceremony

Last but not least, Sunday was Mother's Day! Baby and Macy got me a sweet card and some cute little onesies (one of them says "Mommy's New Man").

This week in development
Baby weighs as much as a butternut squash

He is getting close to the length that he will be at birth, but his weight will at least double over the next eleven weeks (likely triple)

Baby's trading in his "brown fat" (used for temperature regulation) for "white fat," which is the same kind of fat that you and I store in our bodies and use for energy

Baby's baby teeth buds have already formed, and now he's developing permanent teeth buds

As his size is increasing and living space is decreasing, those "kicks" that I'm feeling are now more likely to be jabs and pokes from elbows and knees

How's Mom doing?
I am feeling blessed! Not only have I had the joy of becoming a doctor this week, but I have also experienced my first Mother's Day with a baby on the way. I have come a long way since last Mother's Day, as I had recently miscarried at this time last year. This Sunday was a perfect time for me to remember my first pregnancy and thank God for another chance to be someone's Mommy. So many people that I know want to be parents and are still waiting for (or grieving the loss of) their little ones - they have been in my thoughts and prayers this week more than ever!

How's Dad doing?
"Good." Dad has worked so hard this week as we've been preparing for and recovering from graduation - he has definitely earned his "Husband of the Year" trophy! He also helped to make Mother's Day extra special for both me and his own mom (Grandma Judy).

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