Monday, May 30, 2011

Baby Update - Week 32

Today, I am officially 32 weeks (plus two days) pregnant! Here's what's been going on over the past week...

Week 32 Highlights
Grandma Judy and her sister (Great Aunt Emely) came to town on Wednesday, and we headed to an Amish furniture store called Yoder's in Greenwood - Grandma Judy bought Mom a rocking chair!

Macy approves, as long as her tail doesn't get smushed
On Thursday, Dad left for his annual Memorial Day weekend fishing trip, and Mom got some stuff done (residency paperwork and a haircut).

The McGill family got a little bigger! Garret Robert was born on May 27th!

The other big event on Friday was Mom's cousin Luke's wedding. His gorgeous bride's name is Sara, and she's starting vet school in the fall! It was a lot of fun. :)

Mom, Aunt Ashley, Aunt Carly, and Aunt Kelsey, before the wedding

The Hofer family

It was a beautiful outdoor wedding, and this was the altar

Mr. and Mrs. Hofer
Saturday was another big day, Kelsey's graduation from Lincoln High! Joe and I are so proud of her! She graduated from the IB program at the top of her class. On Sunday, Kelsey was featured in the Lincoln Journal Star.

Aunt Kelsey in her cap and gown

Aunt Kelsey, Mom, and the B.O.B.

Aunt Carly, Mom, Aunt Kelsey, and Aunt Ashley, after graduation
And today is Memorial Day, which means Dad is on his way home! Thank you to all of the men and women who have selflessly chosen to serve our country!

This week in development
Baby weighs as much as a jicama

He now has toenails and fingernails :)

His skin is turning more opaque (and less transparent) as he accumulates more fat and begins to look more like a newborn

Baby's digestive system is all set and ready to go - the countdown to dirty diapers begins!

How's Mom doing?
I'm tired! It was a long weekend, and even after a long nap this afternoon, I'm not sure I've recovered yet. I've also really missed Joe, and I'm so glad he's almost home (he just called, and he's about thirty minutes away).

How's Dad doing?
He had a great weekend fishing with his dad, brothers and some good friends in Miltona, Minnesota! And he caught his first northern pike! Here are some pictures:

Dad's Big Fish

Dad's Little Fish

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Baby Update - Week 31

Today, I am officially 31 weeks (plus FIVE days, oops) pregnant! Here's what's been going on over the past week...

Week 31 Highlights
Over the past week, my younger sister Carly (AKA Aunt Carly!) and I traveled to Houston, Texas to visit Great Grandpa Darling (AKA Great, Great Grandpa Darling!).

We spent Wednesday and Thursday driving (yes, driving) down to Texas with an overnight stop in Oklahoma City. Carly and I switched roles (driver/navigator) periodically and stopped many, many times for potty breaks! We have now mastered some key traveling skills: early departures (we were on the interstate by 6:30 on Thursday morning) and packing a cooler as well as a bag of snacks for the road.

On Friday, Carly, Baby and I pretended (yes, pretended) to be nerds at the Houston Space Center. Here are some fun pictures:

Carly and I on the tram (escaping the field trip crowd)
This is me trying to feel small again

Saturn V

Carly and I standing by Saturn V

Another view of Saturn V

This space suit has actually been on the moon!

Silly Aunt Carly


Moon rocks!
On Saturday, my mom's cousin Brian and his family showed us a fun time at Kemah Boardwalk! Carly rode some crazy rides while I watched. :) More pictures:

Carly and I riding the train

Carly sans flip flops

Where are the flip flops?

Carly, me, and the BOB (big ol' belly)

In front of the aquarium
Sunday was our last full day in Houston. After church and shopping (there was a huge Forever 21, and Carly was in Heaven), we had a nice dinner and spent some quality time with everybody! Here are some pictures of the extended family that we got to visit:

Austin, Stacy, Carly and I

Carly, Brian, Randall, John, and I

Great Grandpa Darling, Carly, and I
Great Grandpa Darling, Carly, and I
Great Uncle Carl, Great Aunt Sherry, Carly and I

Brian, Heather, Carly and I
We spent Monday and Tuesday outrunning the tornadoes on our way home to Nebraska! We made it home safe and sound - the only bad weather we drove through was just north of Topeka.

This week in development
Baby weighs as much as four navel oranges

Baby is busy growing, growing, growing and practicing some important skills: hiccuping, swallowing, breathing, making faces, and sucking his thumb. Some babies suck their thumbs so vigorously in the womb that they're born with a callus on their thumb!

How's Mom doing?
I am feeling bigger and "pregnanter" with each day! I'm getting tired a little faster now, and I'm learning the joys (and the necessity) of putting my feet up. My feet actually swelled quite a bit in Texas, especially when we spent the day at Kemah Boardwalk. But I handled the trip pretty well, I think. It wasn't super hot, which helped quite a bit. I am so glad that I got the chance to visit my great grandpa and the rest of our extended family down in Houston. Now, I'll be staying at home - my traveling days are probably over until Baby comes. :)

How's Dad doing?
I think he missed having Baby and I around! Dad gets to go fishing with his brothers this week, so we'll tell you all about that in the next post!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Baby Update - Week 30

Today, I am officially 30 weeks (plus three days) pregnant! Here's what's been going on over the past week...

Week 30 Highlights
The theme of this week was TAKING IT EASY. :) Joe and I spent a lot of quality time together, just relaxing and doing a few (just a few) things around the house.

The Pediatric Research Forum was hosted at Children's on Thursday and Friday. The project that I helped to present is a really great one (in my unbiased opinion...) - we are making instructional videos for parents that they can watch at their kiddos' well child check-ups.

Friday was the busiest day this week:

  • Pediatric Research Forum
  • OB Appointment (just a regular visit - Baby decided to give the doctor a nice, big kick!)
  • Dad's Tetanus Shot (he's now immunized against tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis, thank goodness!)
  • Pediatric Residency Banquet
  • Matt's Going Away Party (Matt and Krystal are good friends of ours - they're moving to Colorado for Krystal's residency)

Monday was our first birthing class!

This week in development
Baby weighs as much as a large cabbage (3 pounds!!!)

His brain is starting to take on the characteristic grooves and indentations (up until now, it had been smooth) - this increases the brain's surface area and makes room for more tissue

Baby's bone marrow has taken over production of red blood cells

Lanugo (the soft hair covering Baby's body) has served its purpose and is now beginning to disappear - according to Grandpa Mike and Grandma Judy, if this guy's anything like his daddy, we will STILL have a hairy baby two months from now

How's Mom doing?
I'm still doing really well. I just had a little bit of foot/ankle swelling early in the week, when it was hot, but that has gone away. I've started going to water aerobics classes at the Lakeside Wellness Center, so that should help! Around the house, the nesting continues... now we have bedding for Baby's room, and the sports/puppies theme is in full effect. :)

How's Dad doing?
I would ask him, but he's napping downstairs! He handled birthing class pretty well - I got a little nervous for him when they started talking about cervical dilation and effacement, but he was a champ! He was on his best behavior, too - he let somebody else say "Vacuum" when the teacher asked everyone in the room, "What else can she do while standing?" (asking about relaxation techniques during early labor).

Monday, May 9, 2011

Baby Update - Week 29

Today, I am officially 29 weeks (plus two days) pregnant! Here's what's been going on over the past week...

Week 29 Highlights
This week was graduation week! With some major help, we got our house and backyard ready for visitors (during the early part of the week).

On Wednesday night, Joe, Baby, and I drove out to Yutan for a bonfire where some of my classmates burned their short white coats (I didn't have the heart to burn mine, but it was fun to watch).

On Thursday night, we went to the senior formal at Harrah's Casino. "Awards" were presented, and I got "Nicest Human on the Planet." :)

Mom and Dad, lookin' snazzy

Friday was the hooding ceremony where I received my doctoral hood and took my physician's oath.

My family hung out with us Friday night - it was fun using our new and improved yard to host a barbecue and bonfire!

Saturday was graduation day, and I am now officially a doctor! It was so fun being pregnant for all of the festivities - I even got to carry Baby across the stage when I received my diploma (in my belly, of course).

The fam with my diploma, after the ceremony

Last but not least, Sunday was Mother's Day! Baby and Macy got me a sweet card and some cute little onesies (one of them says "Mommy's New Man").

This week in development
Baby weighs as much as a butternut squash

He is getting close to the length that he will be at birth, but his weight will at least double over the next eleven weeks (likely triple)

Baby's trading in his "brown fat" (used for temperature regulation) for "white fat," which is the same kind of fat that you and I store in our bodies and use for energy

Baby's baby teeth buds have already formed, and now he's developing permanent teeth buds

As his size is increasing and living space is decreasing, those "kicks" that I'm feeling are now more likely to be jabs and pokes from elbows and knees

How's Mom doing?
I am feeling blessed! Not only have I had the joy of becoming a doctor this week, but I have also experienced my first Mother's Day with a baby on the way. I have come a long way since last Mother's Day, as I had recently miscarried at this time last year. This Sunday was a perfect time for me to remember my first pregnancy and thank God for another chance to be someone's Mommy. So many people that I know want to be parents and are still waiting for (or grieving the loss of) their little ones - they have been in my thoughts and prayers this week more than ever!

How's Dad doing?
"Good." Dad has worked so hard this week as we've been preparing for and recovering from graduation - he has definitely earned his "Husband of the Year" trophy! He also helped to make Mother's Day extra special for both me and his own mom (Grandma Judy).

Monday, May 2, 2011

Baby Update - Week 28

Today, I am officially 28 weeks (plus two days) pregnant! Here's what's been going on over the past week...

Week 28 Highlights
Grandpa Mike and Grandma Judy came to town and helped us cross some big things off our to do list. One of the day's biggest accomplishments: painting Baby's room!

This room belongs to B-A-B-Y!
Grandma Judy is a pro at painting!
After working on our house, we all drove to Lincoln for a Huskers baseball game.

Cousins Nathan and Pete eating hot dogs at the game

Wednesday was another busy but productive day. We got some great deals at Nebraska Furniture Mart!

Our new dining room table
On Thursday, Dad, Baby and I went and saw Les Mis - it was a really great show!

On Friday, we assembled Baby's crib.

There were two wedding showers this weekend - one for our friends Guy and Elizabeth who are getting married in August and another for my cousin's fiance Sara who is getting married to Luke at the end of this month.

There was also a baby shower - for me! I owe a big, huge "Thank you!" to my mom and three wonderful sisters for hosting. And thank you to everyone who was able to come - I am truly blessed to have such wonderful friends and family who are just as excited for Baby's arrival as I am!

This week in development
Baby weighs as much as a Chinese cabbage

He's added things like blinking, coughing, and more intense sucking to his growing bag of tricks

During sleep, Baby's brain wave activity would show different sleep cycles including REM sleep (the stage when dreaming occurs)

How's Mom doing?
I am so excited about the progress we've been making on Baby's room! It's definitely starting to sink in that we're going to be sharing our home with a baby within a few short months. :) This week, my seasonal allergies have reared their ugly head. I broke down and took a Benadryl on Saturday night and had the best sleep I've had in months. It was so nice, but I don't plan on making a habit out of it.

How's Dad doing?
"Good." Dad was a trooper and took Mom to a show at the Orpheum as a belated birthday present. He even bought me snacks! :) I am spoiled. He has been working so hard, but there is a reward in sight - Dad gets to travel to Minnesota for his annual fishing trip at the end of this month.

Belly Pic - Week 27

This is the last belly pic with this paint color in the background!