Sunday, February 27, 2011

Mommy's Peanut

I couldn't resist. This is my first time buying clothes for Baby.

That's the jacket, and here's a close-up of the onesie:

Does anyone buy newborn baby clothes, or do you skip right to 3-6 months?

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Baby Update - Week 19

Today, I am officially 19 weeks pregnant! Here's what's been going on over the past week...

Week 19 Highlights
Mom, Baby, and cousin Nathan went to the movies
(side note: Gnomeo and Juliet is very cute and has a great soundtrack)

Mom and Baby flew to Chicago for the Step 2 Clinical Skills Exam

Baby was announced to the world on Facebook

This blog was created!

This week in development
Baby is the size of an heirloom tomato

Nerves and muscles have gotten it together and baby now has better control over limb movements

Arms and legs are in proportion to the rest of the body

Vernix caseosa (a "cheesy" protective substance made of hair and dead skin cells) now covers Baby's skin

Baby's brain is designating areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch

How's Mom doing?
Traveling to Chicago took a lot out of me, and I'm still trying to catch up. My heartburn has really stepped it up, and I now carry Tums with me 24/7. Besides that, "going public" with my pregnancy has made this an exciting week!

How's Dad doing?
Dad says he's "hanging in there... trucking along." Drywall went up in the basement office last weekend, and he's also been working on making a poker table with his brother.

Friday, February 25, 2011


What's it gonna be? Boy or girl?

Place your vote by clicking on "Definitely boy!" or "Definitely girl!" on the poll located on the left side of the page (below the About Us section).

We will officially find out on March 18th.

Belly Pic - Week 19

Week 18 was a little nuts as I was preparing for one of my national board exams, but better late than never!

Belly Pic - Week 16

Starting to show a little more...

Ultrasound #2

Baby was wide awake for this ultrasound and moving around like crazy! The sonographer kept calling Baby a little cowboy or cowgirl (hmm... which one?).

Here's my favorite picture that we've gotten so far...

And here's a preview of Baby McGregor's long legs. It looks like we've got an aspiring basketball player or track star on our hands!

These pictures were taken at 12 weeks, 5 days (just one week after the first ultrasound). Crown to rump length was 6.1 centimeters.

Belly Pic - Week 14

I'm sorry there isn't a "before" picture, but here's what the belly looked like right when I was starting to show...

Ultrasound #1

Here's Baby's first picture (taken at 11 weeks, 5 days)

Baby was sleeping for this picture with its little hands in front of its face. Crown to rump length was 5.0 centimeters.

Announcing... Baby!

Joe and I are pleased to announce that we are expecting our first baby!

Due Date: July 23, 2011

Highlights of the pregnancy so far...
11/29/10 - Positive pregnancy test
12/10/10 - Confirmation of pregnancy appointment
01/06/11 - New OB appointment (first time we heard the heartbeat)
01/06/11 - First baby announcements (immediate family)
01/13/11 - Return OB appointment with first trimester screen
01/17/11 - First maternity clothes shopping experience
02/10/11 - Return OB appointment
02/11/11 - First time feeling Baby move
02/24/11 - Facebook baby announcement